Our patent pending innovation - the stainless steel reactor
Revolutionary treatment for clean water

10 years of research, laboratory testing, designing and building. Finally, by the end of 2024 we can offer a device based on a water treatment process which will change the world. The patent is filed and the production of our invention is now starting. Inform yourself about the revolutionary science of the HyperAOP which unites all the benefits of the process carried by our patented kinetic mechanism inside of the body of the reactor.
Functionality of the HyperAOP©
The power of advanced oxidation to clean contaminated water is globally considered as the future of water treatment by scientists and industry. The only reason why AOP water treatment devices haven't conquered the market yet is because nobody could make it powerful enough to make a difference - yet!
This reactor is changing the game on water treatment
Our device and our invention is different because we found a way to combine various metals and ozone in a quantity that not only allows for nano-second production of billions of hydroxyl radicals (OH pairs which are known as "nature's detergent"), but also keeps the OH pairs from recombining back on the catalyst. This was the biggest hurdle for other inventors. Our device is so powerful that already our benchtop HyperAOP reactor breaks just about every organic contaminant treatment record there is. It's not just the way we combine and dope our catalysts, it is also the patented method in which we get the photocatalytic surface in contact with the target contaminants using a hydrodynamic process.
Contaminants in the water are completely broken down to harmless elements such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Traditional filtration, ion exchange, cavitation, flocculation, etc. all result in large amounts of residual waste which not only costs a lot of money to dispose of, but threatens the sustainability of industrial processes. The HyperAOP is the solution.
Testing shows the Hyper AOP reduces BOD/COD, organic dyes, phenols, pesticides, hormones, pharmaceuticals, micro-organisms, and other organic contaminants. We made it modular, so depending on how heavy the contamination is equates to how many reactors you will need.

Größenvariationen des HyperAOP©
Abhängig von der Menge an Wasser, das gesäubert werden soll, ist eine entsprechende Reaktorgröße sinnvoll. Der HyperAOP ist modular. Das bedeutet, dass die Anzahl an benötigten Reaktoren in Reihe geschaltet werden kann. So können Wassermengen von 2.000 Litern bis 1.000 m3 bewältigt werden.